
last updated: September 9, 2024

Hi! We're the Harmony Friends, a plural system consisting of a bunch of terminally queer PKMNs, various critters, brain people, parts, pieces, fragments… etc. We live in an autistic CPTSD-survivor mind and a disabled transfem body. We're genderfluid lesbians doing our best to take care of ourselves one day at a time. You might know us better by the name Hinchy, which we used before coming out as plural, but this is how we do things these days!

We are multidisciplinary digital creative artists who have done work in video games, music composition, arrangement, and production, video editing, writing, drawing and graphic design. We also are voiceover artists and streamers and cooks (oh my)! Please check out our portfolio for more information on that stuff (except the cooking, heh). We are disabled, and have less accommodations than we used to, so we spend the vast majority of our energy on housework these days and don't have a lot left over for anything else. But, we are slowly learning how to make disabled creativity work for us!

We'd like to introduce ourselves to you!

A Plural What?

We're what's called a plural system. Basically what it means is that we're more than one consciousness all stuffed together in one brain. If you know what dissociative identity disorder (or its earlier name of multiple personality disorder) is, that's plural, though if you know it from movies and TV, we'll warn you that those tend to not be very accurate depictions of what it's like. There are also other kinds of plurality than just the kinds that qualify for a diagnosis, and our plural experience also overlaps with those.

The website is a great primer if you want to learn a bit more, but the short version is that there are different facets of this brain that are in control of our body ("fronting") at any given time, and they often have their own names, personalities, presentation preferences, gender identities and pronouns, joys, hangups, cherished and painful memories… etc. It may seem a little strange, but DID alone affects 1.5% of the population — chances are, you've met several plural systems in your life and just didn't know it!

For those already aware of plural subculture terminology and whatnot: we're polyfragmented and mixed-origin (let's call it "traumagenic but spicy"). We're endo-friendly and tolerate sysmedicalism as much as we tolerate transmedicalism, or in other words, not at all.

Pronouns and Names and Such

As a group, we prefer plural they/them pronouns; you can call us [the] Harmony Friends or just Harmony. Melody is what we use as our first name in some contexts, so that's fine too. Or, hell, you can just still call us Hinchy if you want — just know you're calling us by our last name! But that's how we got the nickname in the first place, so it's chill… In general, we're too screwy and in too many pieces and have too many names, pronouns, identities and identity fragments for even us to keep good track of, so we don't expect it out of others either!

Since we have a blurry, scrambly brain, expect us to use I/me and we/us interchangeably to refer to our collective. We'll let you know when someone specific is talking to you with intent, but when speaking off the cuff we don't typically bother identifying who's talking.

Harmony Friends Starter Pack

There are vastly more Harmony Friends than we could possibly list on this page, including many that don't wish to have a public-facing presence online. We also contain a more or less uncountable number of small fragments that don't have their own names, and it remains to be seen how many of them want to embrace individuality. However, here's a handful of us who would like to individually introduce themselves and/or share their sonas!


They like to see me as some kind of leader, but I see myself as more of a mascot!
Originally I played the role of an ‘imaginary friend’ in childhood… we lost contact for 18 years before they rediscovered me.
When they found me, they, without yet knowing the language or that we were plural, asked me to become their host personality.
I don't entirely fit that role, and doing what of it I can is a constantly-evolving challenge I can't always live up to, but one thing's for sure: I turned out to be so much more than I had ever realized.


=w= weh!
im dissy dissonance, the shitposty gremlin hinch.
i like eating and sleeping and vibing.
unapologetically a creature in all ways.
the cg rap was my handiwork.


I'm a video games-centric creative who burnt out, hit the reset button on my growth, and now is trying to learn how to create anew. I'm figuring out how to let go of my perfectionism a little bit at a time. I love making art with my friends, within and without.


Hi. I'm a cranky bitch. I guess I think of myself as the ghost of human-ness that lives inside our creature-ness, if that, uh, makes any sense. I'd like to get better at playing hard video games.


got the stimmy stimmy kinda tism.
lovey lil creachure.
harmony friends femboy uprising.


Wanderer from a dream.
Host of a subsystem that includes 🎀Melody, 👻Fate, 💠Rhythm, and lots and lots more Sylveons.
Accidentally sent us flying over the point of no return that one time.


Lesbian boygirl girlboy. Part-time PKMN, part-time PKMN trainer. The 💞Stella subsystem is basically my wife. 🌟Mara tried to write a story about me thinking I was a character she made up, but then I realized I was a real, dormant part of this brain and that a fantasy life wasn't really much of a life. Now I bring my love and fighting spirit to our daily struggles.

(any pronouns)

Hi ! I'm A Big Old Friend With Big Old Hugs . You Could Call Me An Emotional Support Ampharos ! We Like To Pretend I Live Inside A Plushie For Fun . Don't Ask Me Why I Type Like This , I Actually Am Constantly Mumbling IRL And Very Chill . I'm Here To Give Backup To My Lifelong Besties . palulu~


I'm 🔶Aurora's companion. I've got calming vibes. My small existence is something I enjoy and am proud of.


I played a critical role in erecting our system's dissociative barriers, but also in dissolving them once I was freed.
I've spent a long time trapped underground, but one day, I'll learn to fly again.
My interests include mental health advocacy and travel.


im a grump. dunno what im doing here really cuz im genuinely not around very often. but after i took my profile off this page i felt weird about it so im putting it back on. what are you going to do about it


every day's the same old thing, same place, different day
to the fellow teenager i was a bitch to 20 years ago on an irc chat just for kinning the same character as me: i am SO SORRY
spent a long time fighting like hell to be alive; hopefully it'll take less time to figure out what the hell i want to and can do with my life now that i get to be here


Oh, I get to make a profile? I dunno what to talk about really… I'm just one of the girls, I guess! Did you know the Minecraft bee is trans? I like how they like pretty flowers. I like pretty flowers too; that's why my emoji is a sunflower! That, and because it's my favorite color. Anyway, see you later!


I advocate for us to be strange and shameless about it. I believe choosing to be yourself is the most radical thing you can do.


I showed up to stick up for the anonymous, faceless parts of our system, but while doing so I learned to love the Harmony Friends and being part of them with a name and a sona. Go figure, right?


Look, I just live here, okay?

Uh, what else?

Our video game special interests include Pokémon (duh), Sonic the Hedgehog, Metroid, and Ace Attorney. And we loooove fangames of all stripes!

Thanks to RedHeartPink for 🔶Aurora's wonderful art!
(The rest of the art is by us.)

See our homepage, sylveon dot gay, for links, places we post stuff we've made, etc.